Thursday 16 December 2010

The 90 Day Challenge: #FivePortions

About myself:
First of all, let me start a little about myself. My name is Ahmed A. AL-Hassoni or Triple-A. I am 20years old and currently living in London. I do stage-plays/film/tv work as an Actor. I have lived in different countries such as USA, UAE, Germany and China for awhile. Now, during all these places I had one common thing I had to do all the time which is going to the Gym. I've lost-weight/gained-weight and back and forth. I am a smoker and a all-time snack-eater but now that's going to change.

The 90 Day Challenge:
#FivePortions is the key.

What I am going to do is setting myself a goal and a motivation which is this blog. It's a 90 Day Challenge starting at 20th Dec, 2010 - 21st Mar, 2011. I am going to keep you all updated with my exercises, my meal plans, getting rid of the bad-habits and so. I'll be posting my weight, height, pictures of my body(for before pictures) on the day I start and once every 2weeks after that for you to see the difference.
I am planning to lose 40-50kgs in the next 90 days.

I am fat and because I am fat I do always know what I am eating and try to prevent it. Sometimes I cant and sometimes I can but this time I have to discipline. I'll be eating #FivePortions a day, small ones. They'll include Meat, Egg-whites, Fruits and Veg on a daily basis. It is my own meal-plan that I'll be posting within this week and let you be aware of it. However, getting rid of smoking and the snacks is just a mental graving battle that I got to work with my mind on.
Activities will be going to the gym 5-6 times a week and do Jogging + Seat ups 5 times a week. I hope this energy will be contagious.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to comment below or use the #hashtag #FivePortions on Twitter to ask.

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