Monday 20 December 2010

Day 1: Ready But Go Slow #FivePortions

So, I woke up in the morning at around 7:30AM and it was freezing cold, freezing cold. The temperature today is -9, rainy snow and stormy snow got in later-on. It really doesn't make me feel like working out, just stay under that blanket and watch a movie or something. Tok me about an hour till I convinced myself of getting up and having the breakfast. Went out to town and had some lunch with friends.

Anyway, today is my first day of the challenge and I am pretty proud of myself, I must say, stopped gymming for about the last 2months or something?

I jogged for about 40minutes but had some stops in between due "I am a Smoker!", lol. Went to the Gym and some Power Lifting going on so that my hands wont hurt that much tomorrow morning since I've been just getting back to heavy-weights.

(Btw, my body stats and pics will be posted tomorrow or after -- Due to measuring chest, waist and etc..)

I worked on my Biceps and Triceps.

Biceps Exercise: 

1. Hammer curl
The hammer curl is great for developing the forearms, brachialis, and brachioradialis. I’m not sure about you, but I can hammer curl more than I can traditional curl, and lifting more with good form is always better than lifting less.

3. Alternating rotating dumbbell curl
This is a simple exercise, that feels natural in its plane of motion. By alternating, you can focus maximal intensity on each arm separately.

3. Standing barbell curl
If there was ever a ‘compound biceps exercise’, this would be it. This is the only direct bicep exercise that you can just pile weight on and use all the muscle of the biceps and forearms to get the weight up. Standing barbell curls are the only must-use exercise if you want tank arms.

Triceps Exercise: 

1. Cable Rope Overhead Triceps Extension

2. Close grip (diamond) push ups (with a clap) 

Source: MuscleMass

Well there you go.. I need a green apple!

To success,


  1. You can try doing "Dips", it's a killer compound exercise that targets more than one muscle-group & will make your triceps sore as hell!

  2. Thanks ASA, I'll go for it the next time I am working on my Tri. :)
