Tuesday 21 December 2010

Day 2: Phew.. Freezing.

Bonsoir everybody...

Gotta keep it short today cause I got to be somewhere very soon. 

I have been munching on Green Apples alot now adays, and forgetting about the main portions. Well, as long as I have a replacement for hunger and not getting full out of it then that's good. 

I went Jogging today for an hour going up-hill. I stopped lotsa times in between which was wrong to-do but I am catching up. I couldn't go to the Gym cause of my sore-arms. Instead, I did Seat-ups 3x30 and 3x15. So I mainly concentrated on the Abs-part. From now on I'll be working on that part every day after. It's good and it's the hardest part for me to get mass out of.

Anyway, gotta go.. 
Update me about you all if you're following this